
Society Hill Newsletter (Weekly)

The Society Hill Spotlight, our weekly newsletter distributed via email on Thursdays, is an important source of information about current news, upcoming meetings, things to do, and resources and services of interest to our community.

To sign up for the Spotlight, click the Get Our Newsletter button above.

Items from the current newsletter are routinely posted on the SHCA Facebook page.

Society Hill Reporter (Bi-monthly)

The Society Hill Reporter, our award-winning publication, is published six times a year and distributed to nearly 4,000 households. The Reporter covers neighborhood news, upcoming events, and topics of interest to our community.

To advertise in the Reporter, click on the Advertise button above.

A link to the current Reporter is routinely posted on the SHCA Facebook page.

To read an archived Reporter, click Year, then the Newsletter issue in the library below.

Guide to Historic Society Hill

This beautifully produced, 68-page spiral-bound booklet, with fold-out map and color photos, takes residents and visitors on a walking tour of Society Hill, highlighting many historic properties that often are overlooked in the typical visitors’ guides to the city.